The Hope/Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon-cutting for Secur Storage on Thursday February 2nd. The business is located at 301 West Avenue G. It is operated by Daulton, Dustin, and Doyle Brewer. The Brewers also have several other businesses at this location including First State Insurance, a stereo installation business, and a U-Haul agency. Secur Storage has recently expanded their offices. The Chamber congratulates the Brewer family and looks forward to coming back for future expansions!
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Chamber Hosts Coffee, Introduces Officer Candidates
The first Hope/Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce Community Coffee of 2017 was hosted by the Chamber Board on Wednesday January 4th. The Coffee introduced the proposed board members and officers. The proposed slate of officers (pictured below) include Christy Burns Treasurer, Scott Jester 2nd Vice-President, Mitch Bobo President, and Rodney Orr 1st Vice-President.

Christmas Open House Set For December 6th 4pm To 7pm

SARA Foundation Board Hosts Coffee
The Hope/Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce Communtiy Coffee on Wednesday November 9th was hosted by the Southwest Arkansas Regional Archives Foundation Board. Pictured are Jackie Ford, Kermit Parks, Lou Waters, Dan Ford, Peggy Lloyd, Joyce Gibson, and Gary Waller.